I am Moritz, currently working as a Postdoc at the University of Bonn's High-Performance Computing and Analytics Lab. The blog includes a map charting the parts of the fantastic world of applied mathematics I have been able to explore so far. The source code of selected projects is available on GitHub. An exhaustive list of my research work is available via Google Scholar.
Research in and teaching of Machine learning. I am part of the team teaching the Foundations of Machine Learning course for our international graduate schools. In terms of research, I helped to secure the "WestAI" project grant. The project focuses on state-of-the-art transformer Research. I am now running the HPCA-Part of the project.
Running research projects on quantum machine learning using Fraunhofer's Ehningen machine and industry projects with partner companies.
Social hospital work, helping patients, answering phone calls, organizing medical records, hospital in-house pick up and delivery.
Part of the visual computing group and a research unit on "Anticipating Human Behaviour" developed novel complex domain machine learning approaches. Presentation of research results at renowned international conferences. Teaching assistant for the deep learning for visual recognition course, lab and thesis student supervision a master level.
Nominated for best mathematical modelling.
Achievements section of team wiki, modeling section of team wiki.
I maintain:
- the Jax wavelet toolbox with more than 10k pip-downloads,
- and the Pytorch wavelet toolbox with more than 80k pip downloads.
I have contributed code to:
I have served as a reviewer at:
AAAI 2024, Neurips 2024, ICML2024, CVPR 2024, ICLR 2024, Neurips 2023, ICML 2023, ICLR 2023, ICRA 2023, Neurips 2022, ICLR 2022, ICML 2022, ECML 2022, ICANN 2022, ECML 2021, ICANN 2021, Neurips 2021, AISTATS 2020, ICANN 2020, and ICPR 2020.
I have served as session chair at:
ECML 2022.
Tabellenstrukturerkennung mit Neuronalen Netzwerken, Bachelorarbeit Informatik, Annika Thelen, 2024
Second Order Methods for Neural Network Optimization, Bachelorarbeit Informatik, Jan Niclas Hardtke, 2024
Audio Deepfake Detection using the Stationary Wavelet Transform , Masterarbeit Informatik, N. Pillath, 2024
Segmentierung von historischen Zeitungsseiten, Bachelorarbeit Informatik, C. Schultze, 2023
Erkennung von Audio-Deepfakes mithilfe von kontinuierlichen Wavelet-Transformationen, Bachelorarbeit Informatik, K. Gasenzer, 2023
Randbehandlung bei Wavelets für Faltungsnetzwerke, F. Blanke, 2021.
WiSe 2024 - Foundations of Machine Learning - Evaluation
SoSe 2024 - Advanced Machine Learning - Evaluation
WiSe 2023 - Foundation of Machine Learning - Evaluation
WiSe 2023 - Foundations of Machine Learning for Principal Investigators - Evaluation
SoSe 2023 - Foundations of Machine Learning - Evaluation
WiSe 2022 - Foundations of Machine Learning - Evaluation