Chain jobs on Jewels Booster

Sometimes 24 hours are not enough to train your model. Yet big compute providers like the Jülich Supercomuting Centre enforce 24h job limits to ensure everyone gets access.

Chaining jobs allows us to split work into parts without having to submit every part independently by hand. Here is a minimal example:


import pickle
import os
import subprocess

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if not os.path.exists('model.pkl'):
        model_var = 0
        with open('model.pkl', 'rb') as f:
            model_var = pickle.load(f)

    model_var += 1
    with open('model.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        model = pickle.dump(model_var, f)
    print(f"saved model: {model_var}")
    if model_var < 5:"sbatch",
        print("Model trained! Done!")

The script above uses pickle to simulate your code’s results. Store it in a file called It checks the model_var and resubmits your code until a condition is met. A slurm file like the one below lets you run this example:

#SBATCH -A TODO:your-account-name
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --job-name=test_chain
#SBATCH --output=test_chain-%j.out
#SBATCH --error=test_chain-%j.err
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00
#SBATCH --partition develbooster

module load Python


Call the file

Submit everything with sbatch and voilà, your job executes itself in a chain. This is useful if you are dealing with deep learning code that needs more than 24h to converge. The pickle code in the example is meant to simulate model storage and loading from disc.

On Deepfake audio fingerprints

LJSpeech is a dataset of actual human voices. Lets start our own subjective quality evaluation by considering the example below.

Modern artificial neural networks can generate credible sounding human speech. A MelGAN-reproduction of the first LJSpeech sentence is hard to identify as such.

The same is true for the HIFI-GAN version below.

The audio is quite convincing. This ability will likely lead to creative new applications for example in video games and movies. Unfortunately, the technology is also abused for theft . In response our paper studies the automatic identification of synthetic speech. We found stable generator-specific fingerprints, and trained networks that generalize well to unknown generators.

The plot below illustrates mean mean level 14 wavelet packet coefficients for LJSpeech and MelGAN-Audio recordings from the Wavefake-Dataset.

The approach follows Marra et al, they proposed a Fourier-Transform based method to extract deepfake-image fingerprints. We compute some here for the audio deepfake samples collected in the Wavefake-Dataset. If we transform the fingerprints back into the time domain, we can listen to the result! Samples are available below, the results are exciting but not aesthetically pleasing, please set the volume to a low value.


Deepfake ( MelGAN ) – fingerprint:

Deepfake ( HiFiGAN ) – fingerprint:

Deepfake ( Melgan-Large ) – fingerprint:

Deepfake ( Multi-Band-Melgan ) – fingerprint:

Deepfake ( Avocodo ) – fingerprint:

Interested? Our source code and full paper links are available below:

Read more at:

Code is available at:

Jax on Juwels Booster

This post illustrates a possible way to set up multinode Jax computations on the Juwels Booster partition at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre.

The following text adapts instructions from official documentation to run in Jülich. Let’s start with the Python code. The code snippet below determines how many GPUs we have and tells Jax to run on multiple nodes in parallel. Finally, a sum is computed using every device in the cluster.

# file content.
# The following is run in parallel on each host.
import os
import socket
import jax

node_id = os.environ['SLURM_NODEID']
visible_devices = [int(gpu) for gpu in os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'].split(',')]

def print_on_node_0(s):
    if node_id == '0':

print(f"Process now in Python.")
print(f"Nodeid: {node_id}")
print(f"Host: {os.environ['HOSTNAME']}")
print(f"cuda visible devices: {visible_devices}")

# booster nodes use 4 GPUs per machine.
# total number of accelerator devices in the cluster
print_on_node_0(f'total device count: {jax.device_count()}') 
# number of accelerator devices attached to this host
print_on_node_0(f'local device count: {jax.local_device_count()}')
print_on_node_0("Device list:")

# The psum is performed over all mapped devices across the pod slice
print_on_node_0(f'Computing pmaps over all devices')
xs = jax.numpy.ones(jax.local_device_count())
print_on_node_0(f'Pmap result')
pres = jax.pmap(lambda x: jax.lax.psum(x, 'i'), axis_name='i')(xs)

# we are done.

The code snipped above runs on all nodes. To avoid log entry duplication, only node zero gets to print.

To launch our Python code, we require a shell script for sbatch.

#SBATCH -A TODO:enter-your-project-here
#SBATCH --nodes=3
#SBATCH --job-name=test_multi_node
#SBATCH --output=test_multi_node-%j.out
#SBATCH --error=test_multi_node-%j.err
#SBATCH --time=00:20:00
#SBATCH --gres gpu:4
#SBATCH --partition develbooster

echo "Got nodes:"
echo "Jobs per node:"

module load Python
ml CUDA/.12.0

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/p/home/jusers/wolter1/juwels/project_drive/cudnn-linux-x86_64-$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

source /p/home/jusers/wolter1/juwels/project_drive/jax_env/bin/activate

srun --nodes=3 --gres gpu:4 python

To make this runfile work for you, all paths will have to lead to locations where you stored the required libraries. When I wrote this post cudnn was not yet available for CUDA 12. I expect the situation to change in the near future. When it does, the export line can be replaced with a simple module load command.

The most important part is the one starting with source. It activates a virtual environment with a Jax installation. See the Python docs for more information. After setting up an environment, install jax for local CUDA, as described in their project readme.

Finally, running the run file with sbatch produces the following output:

Got nodes:
Jobs per node:
Process now in Python.
Nodeid: 2
Host: jwb0129.juwels
cuda visible devices: [0, 1, 2, 3]
Process now in Python.
Nodeid: 1
Host: jwb0117.juwels
cuda visible devices: [0, 1, 2, 3]
Process now in Python.
Nodeid: 0
Host: jwb0097.juwels
cuda visible devices: [0, 1, 2, 3]
total device count: 12
local device count: 4
Device list:
[StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=0, process_index=0, slice_index=0), StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=1, process_index=0, slice_index=0), StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=2, process_index=0, slice_index=0), StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=3, process_index=0, slice_index=0), StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=4, process_index=1, slice_index=1), StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=5, process_index=1, slice_index=1), StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=6, process_index=1, slice_index=1), StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=7, process_index=1, slice_index=1), StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=8, process_index=2, slice_index=2), StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=9, process_index=2, slice_index=2), StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=10, process_index=2, slice_index=2), StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=11, process_index=2, slice_index=2)]
Computing pmaps over all devices
Pmap result
[12. 12. 12. 12.]

Which suggests all twelve GPUs are recognized correctly. I would like to thank Stefan Kesselheim for helping me make this work!

Vscode-Python module debugging

As I spend too much time looking for this on the internet, I am posting an example launch.json for future reference:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Python: Current File",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "module": "src.module_name",
            "console": "integratedTerminal",
            "justMyCode": true,
            "args": [
                "--arg1", "value1"

Replace the module path after “module” and the arguments in the “args” block with more suitable values.

On the similarities of diffused- and gan-generated image detection

Guided diffusion has become the new go-to method for image generation. To avoid misuse of this inspiring new technology, we must ensure fake detection networks remain up to speed with recent developments. Using the approach described in “Diffusion models beat gans on image synthesis”.

Saliency map following Simonyan of a guided-diffusion detector trained on top of a wavelet-packet representation.

Wavelet packets decompose an input into blocks according to frequency. The blocks are arranged such that the frequency increases along the diagonal. The saliency plot reveals that the classifier relies on high-frequency information to spot the fakes.

Similarly, the plot below shows a classifier trained to identify GAN-generated. Once more the classifier runs on top of a wavelet packet representation. The classifier can identify the source with an accuracy of 95.85 ± 0.59%. The saliency map is shown below:

Saliency map following Simonyan of a GAN detector trained on top of a wavelet-packet representation.

Again high-frequency information plays an important role when the classifier makes its call. This finding suggests that the methodology developed for GAN detection could also be useful for diffusor detection.

I am looking forward to seeing more research in this direction.

For more information on this topic and the method see our recent paper at .

Wavelet-Packet Powered Deepfake Image Detection

Modern neural networks generate realistic artificial images and audio. This development will allow us to create movies, music and audio effects never seen before. Yet at the same time, the new technology may enable new digital ways to lie.

In response, the need for a diverse and reliable toolbox arises to identify artificial images and other content. This short blog post aims to summarize the main points regarding the use of the wavelet packet transform to identify artificially generated deepfake images. The key observation is that wavelet packet coefficients are distributed differently for real and fake images.

The image above illustrates this. The leftmost column shows a single real image from the Flickr-Faces-HQ data set as well as an artificially generated image for reference. To study the feasibility of wavelet packets for deepfake detection third-degree Haar-Wavelet packet coefficients are computed for 5k real and fake images using the PyTorch-Wavelet-Toolbox. Comparing the mean coefficients in the center as well as their standard distribution, we notice differences especially as the frequency increases along the diagonal. The standard deviation is significantly different in the background parts of the images across the board. The differences suggest a possibility to separate real from fake based on the wavelet packet coefficients.

A first experiment explores the separability of images from the Flicker-Faces-HQ dataset as well as style-gan generated images. Working with 63k 128 by 128 images from each source the task is to identify the origin of an image.

The plot above shows the convergence of a classifier trained to identify the source of an image. The wavelet packets allow the classifier to converge faster with performance improvements during all stages of the training.

If you would like to find out more the source code as well as a preprint are now freely available online.

Wavelet optimization for Network compression

Wavelets are uncommon in machine learning, systems with learnable wavelets, in particular, are rare. Promising applications of wavelets in neural networks exist. Adaptive wavelets for network compression are explored in the new paper ‘Neural network compression via learnable wavelet transforms‘. By defining new wavelet loss terms based on the product filter approach to wavelet design, the wavelets become part of the network architecture. They can be learned just like any other weights. Source code implementing wavelet optimization in PyTorch is available on Github.

Jaxlets – Fast Wavelet Transformations in JAX

The fast wavelet transform is an important signal processing algorithm. Jet a differentiable implementation in JAX has been missing so far, I have therefore opened my implementation . It supports the one and two dimensional analysis and synthesis transforms. As well as an implementation of the forward wavelet packet transform. The plot below shows an analysis of a linear chirp signal using a Daubechies wavelet.

Wavelet analysis of a linear chirp signal.

As the chirps’ frequency increases we see that the wavelet coefficients rise as well.

Source code is available at .